St. Timothy Lutheran Church of Crystal River a Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Music "Hope" instrumental used by permission:
Rev. Joan Holden
Education: Newberry College, May 2011, Dual Major in Religion and Church Leadership
Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Masters of Divinity, Columbia, SC,
May 23, 2015
Internship: Vicar at All Saints Lutheran Church, Huntsville, AL, 2013-2014
Calls: St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Crystal River, FL. August 30, 2015
Fields of Experience: Teaching Sunday School and Confimation; Bible Study; Providing Pastoral Care to shut-ins and hospital patients; Community outreach; Leading youth groups; Evangelism and Stewardship Committees. Before accepting God's call to Ministry - Pastor Joanie managed a large multi-physician medical practice for seventeen years.
Hobbies: Spending time with family, fishing, walking on the beach, reading, and paintball!
Frank Hofstetter
Parish Deacon
Eric Mortensen
Director of Music
Regina Mendicino
Church Secretary
Bill Dexter